New Haven: 1 SEP - 3 SEP 2013
New Haven was actually my first travel destination with the other NUS girls. That weekend was a long one due to the Labour day holiday, and we didn't want to waste time lazying around in school (which I totally love doing now). Hence, we decided to book a random trip and we chanced upon New Haven.
New Haven is home to one of the Ivy League schools, and it is none other than Yale University! The structure of Yale is basically similar to SMU, whereby it is located in the centre of the city. However, the architecture is much more beautiful than any of the universities in Singapore. As the saying goes, a picture speaks more than a thousand words, I shall photo bomb!
Harkness Tower
Entrance to one of Yale's dormitory |

The architecture of the dormitories at Yale is so stunning! I couldn't take my eyes off when I was walking around the campus. How I wish I had a chance to stay in such dormitories in UCONN. I will never want to leave my room if that wish is granted. Haha! (:
Yale's Co-op
Other than visiting Yale, we took a bus out of the city to Bishop's Orchard. Besides the time when I went to Jeju to pick tangerines, this was my second time picking fruits at an orchard.
Bishop's Orchard Apple signboard
The orchards are actually a few miles away from each other. If I am not wrong, there are apple, peach, raspberry and strawberry orchards. However, since we did not have a car, and the nearest (1.5 miles away from the orchard retail shop) was the raspberry orchard. The staff was a little shocked when we told him that we were going to walk instead of driving. Haha, walking is definitely the best way to get around in cities.
Not the typical letterboxes you see in Singapore
After 20 minutes of walking, we finally arrived at the raspberry orchard. The orchard is actually really big, and there were other berry species available other than raspberries. It was really easy to go about picking raspberries. The staff merely directed us to the rows which are open to the public, and we were all set to start picking the berries!
Bishop's Raspberry Orchard
Raspberry bushes
I found a heart-shaped raspberry!
It is really easy to pick raspberries. You just have to look for a particular colour and not use too much force to pull the raspberry off its stem as juice may start splattering on you, which is definitely not fun (: Clarice and I took ages to fill the box up 'cos the two of us were busy taking pictures and shunning the bees buzzing near us. Oh, the bees are really hairy! #justsaying
After about 45 minutes of picking, we ended up with about 400 grams worth of raspberries, and they only cost us US$5.
Our hardwork!
I absolutely love the description of the Sin Bin. It exactly describes the situation we were in when we were picking those berries. The berries automatically went into our tummies instead of placing them in the box. Nevertheless, we picked quite a bunch and paid for them! (:
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TGIF everybody! The weather will turn really cold next week, like dropping below zero degrees in the morning. Time to wear my winter boots and wrap up like a pau! (:
On a side note, I will be ice skating for the first time tomorrow! I am going to expect a lot of falling and tumbling, even though I used to be able to rollerblade. Nevertheless, I will be going with a nice bunch of people, and so it should be really fun! Can't wait!
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